
Using Datasentinel in an on-premises mode gives you full control over your data, ensuring maximum privacy and compliance with local data regulations. It allows for deep customization to fit into existing workflows, and offers low-latency, real-time monitoring and performance tuning of your PostgreSQL databases.

How it works

You will first need to Install the platform on a Linux machine.

Once installed, You have two methods for monitoring PostgreSQL instances: the Agent-based and Agentless approaches.

The Agent-based approach is the preferred method, offering comprehensive and optimized monitoring capabilities.

An agent is installed directly on the PostgreSQL server or on another machine, enabling deep data collection for insights and troubleshooting.

Alternatively, you can opt for the Agentless approach, which requires no additional software installations on the PostgreSQL servers. it provides essential monitoring capabilities and is easier to set up.

Both methods are designed to give you actionable insights into your PostgreSQL performance, so you can choose the one that best suits your needs and compliance requirements.

Hybrid Architecture

Optimize the performance of your projects

Boost Your Projects with Datasentinel and unleash PostgreSQL Excellence