Comprehensive Collection of Cluster and System Metrics for In-depth Analysis

Our tool is designed to comprehensively gather a wide array of internal cluster metrics, ensuring no detail is overlooked

Scope and Depth of Analysis

Our tool provides comprehensive activity statistics, including generated WAL size, Cache activity, I/O Operations, Temporary I/Os, Replication stats, Transactions, Backends among others.

Gain visibility into background processes for a complete understanding of internal operations, and analyze the activity of each individual database within your PostgreSQL instances for detailed insights.

Additionally, get a holistic view of server performance with system metrics like CPU usage, memory, swap usage, network, and I/O activities.

Starting from PostgreSQL 16, there is an exciting enhancement to database monitoring and performance tuning with the introduction of the pg_stat_io system view. This feature offers detailed insights into the I/O behavior of PostgreSQL clusters.

In alignment with this advancement, Datasentinel has launched a Dedicated Dashboard tailored specifically to this new feature. This dashboard is designed to provide an in-depth understanding of I/O behaviors

Optimize the performance of your projects

Boost Your Projects with Datasentinel and unleash PostgreSQL Excellence